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The Benefits of Hiring a Licensed Security Guard in Toronto - Toronto Security Company
Benefits of Hiring a Licensed Security Guard in Toronto

The Benefits of Hiring a Licensed Security Guard in Toronto

Security is a top priority for businesses and events in Toronto. Whether you are looking to protect your property, employees, or guests, hiring a licensed security guard is a great way to ensure the safety and security of your location. This blog post will explore the benefits of hiring a licensed security guard, the qualifications and training they possess, and how to find and hire one in Toronto.


What is a licensed security guard? 

A licensed security guard is a professional trained and licensed to provide security services in various settings. In Toronto, security guards must complete a 40-hour basic training program and pass a criminal record check to obtain a license. Emergency response, dispute resolution, and legal duties are some subjects covered in this course. Some security guard companies could also demand that their guards complete additional training or certifications, such as first aid or self-defense classes.


The qualifications and training of a licensed security guard: 

Many licensed security guards possess additional credentials and training that supplement their existing training beyond the fundamentals needed to earn a license.

These may consist of the following: 

  • First aid and CPR certification: This training enables security guards to provide medical assistance in case of an emergency.
  • Self-defense training: Some security guards may have self-defense training, which can help them protect themselves and others in the event of a physical altercation.
  • Specialized training: Depending on the type of security services they provide, some security guards may have specialized training in areas such as loss prevention, crowd control, or VIP protection.


The benefits of hiring a licensed security guard:

There are many benefits to hiring a licensed security guard for your business or event.

Professionalism and qualification: An expert who has received training and a license to offer security services is referred to as a licensed security guard. This indicates that they can handle various security-related activities, including preventing crime, responding to crises, and upholding order. 

Peace of mind and security: A qualified security guard on duty can provide you and your staff with security and peace of mind. Security personnel can visibly dissuade potential criminals and act promptly in case of crises or security breaches. 

Legal protections: Hiring a certified security guard also gives your company legal benefits. Many security guard businesses carry insurance, which enables them to help with potential legal issues. Additionally, having a licensed security guard on duty shows that you have taken reasonable precautions to protect the safety and security of your property and visitors. 

Deterrent to crime: Studies have demonstrated that the presence of a security officer can discourage crime and lower the likelihood of incidents. Businesses that have obvious security measures in place are less likely to be targeted by fraudsters, claims the Security Industry Association. In fact, according to a University of North Carolina research, having a security officer on duty can cut the risk of a property crime by as much as 50%. 


Types of security services offered by licensed security guards:

Licensed security guards can provide a wide range of security services, depending on the needs of the business or event. Some common types of security services include:

Mobile patrols: Mobile patrols involve a security guard visiting a location regularly to check for any security breaches or unusual activity. Mobile patrols can be helpful for businesses or properties that may not require a full-time security presence.

Alarm response: Security guards can also respond to alarm activations and investigate the cause. This can involve checking the property for signs of forced entry or tampering and taking any necessary action, such as contacting the police.

Concierge services: data-preserver-spaces=”true”> Many businesses, such as hotels and apartment buildings, hire security guards to provide concierge services. This may include greeting guests, answering questions, and handling any issues or concerns that may arise.

Event security: Licensed security guards are often hired to provide security at events, such as concerts, festivals, and conferences. They may be responsible for checking tickets, enforcing crowd control, and responding to emergencies.

Loss prevention: Security guards can also be trained in loss prevention techniques to help prevent theft and shoplifting in retail settings.

VIP protection: Some security guards are specially trained in VIP protection, which involves providing security for high-profile individuals or groups.


How to hire a licensed security guard in Toronto:

If you are interested in hiring a licensed security guard in Toronto, here are some steps to follow:

Determine your security needs: Consider the type of security services you need and the size and scope of your business or event. This will help you determine the number and type of security guards you need to hire.

Research security guard companies: A good reputation and experience providing the services you require are essential qualities to look for in security guard firms. Use online directories or consult other companies or organizations for referrals. 

Consider the services offered: Some security guard companies provide a wide range of services, such as mobile patrols, alarm response, and concierge services. Consider what services will best meet your security needs.

Get quotes and compare prices: Contact several security guard companies and ask for quotes. Compare the prices and services offered to fit your budget and needs best.

Check references and credentials: Make sure to check references and credentials for any security guard company you are considering hiring. You can also check the Ontario Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services website to verify that a security guard company is licensed and in good standing.


The PIPM Advantage

  • Uniformed Security Guards for Over 200 Corporate and Industrial sites
  • Uniformed Security guards for over 100 Film and TV sets
  • Security for Over 50 Shareholder meetings
  • Close Protection for 3rd Richest Person in the World
  • Executive Protection for over 50 high profile Executives
  • Head of Security for Grammy Awards winning artist
  • Close Protection for members of Royal Family
  • Bodyguards for over 30 High Profile Hollywood Celebrities
  • Close protection for Head of State
  • Bodyguards for Bollywood Celebrities
  • Close Protection for Mayor of one of Canada’s Major City



A qualified security guard in Toronto can offer a variety of advantages for your company or event, including professionalism, legal safeguards, peace of mind, and a deterrent to crime. You may pick the best security guard company to suit your demands by following these steps and considering the services provided. Contact a reputable security guard business for more information about hiring. 



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