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The Impact of Security Guards in the Wake of Attacks on TTC
Security Guards

Toronto’s TTC Security Measures: The Impact of Security Guards in the Wake of Violent Attacks

The Impact of Security Guards in the Wake of Violent Attacks on TTC (Toronto Transit Commission) 

Security is an essential aspect of public transportation, especially in large cities like Toronto, where the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) provides transportation services to over 1.6 million riders daily. However, in recent years, the TTC has experienced a rise in violent incidents, including assaults on passengers, operators, and even security personnel. To address this issue, the TTC has increased its security measures, including hiring more security guards to patrol the transit system. In this article, we will explore how security guards are helping to patrol the TTC in the wake of recent violent attacks.

Security Guards

The Role of Security Guards in TTC

Security guards play a crucial role in maintaining order and safety in the TTC. They are responsible for ensuring the safety of passengers, employees, and property. Security guards patrol TTC facilities, including subway stations, buses, streetcars, and other transit facilities, to deter criminal activity, prevent violence, and respond to emergencies.

In the TTC, security guards are divided into two categories: in-house and contracted security. The TTC’s in-house security consists of Transit Enforcement Officers (TEOs), Special Constables, and Fare Inspectors. TEOs and Special Constables are sworn law enforcement officers with full arrest powers. They have the authority to carry firearms, issue tickets, and make arrests. On the other hand, fare inspectors are responsible for enforcing fare payment rules and regulations.

Contracted security personnel, on the other hand, work for private security companies that the TTC contracts to provide additional security services. These security guards do not have the same authority as TEOs and Special Constables but play an essential role in deterring criminal activity and providing additional support to TTC staff.

How Security Guards Help to Patrol TTC

Security guards use a variety of methods to patrol the TTC and ensure the safety of passengers and employees. Some of the ways security guards help to patrol the TTC include:

  • Deterring Criminal Activity: Security guards help to deter criminal activity by their mere presence. Criminals are less likely to commit crimes when they see uniformed security personnel on patrol.
  • Monitoring Surveillance Cameras: Security guards monitor surveillance cameras installed in TTC facilities to detect suspicious behaviour or criminal activity. They use the information from these cameras to take appropriate action, such as dispatching additional personnel or alerting the authorities.
  • Conducting Random Inspections: Security guards conduct random inspections of TTC facilities to detect illegal activities such as drug use, vandalism, and fare evasion.
  • Responding to Emergencies: Security guards are trained to respond to emergencies such as medical emergencies, fires, and security breaches. They are equipped with radios and other communication devices to coordinate their response with TTC staff and emergency services.
  • Providing Customer Assistance: Security guards also provide customer assistance to passengers who may need help navigating the transit system or require assistance in case of emergencies.

The Impact of Recent Violent Attacks on TTC Security

Recent violent attacks on the TTC have underscored the importance of security measures and the need for additional resources to protect passengers and employees. In February 2021, the TTC reported a 40% increase in violent incidents compared to the same period in the previous year. These incidents included assaults on passengers, operators, and security personnel.

To address this issue, the TTC has increased its security measures, including the deployment of additional security personnel, including security guards, across the transit system. The TTC has also installed more CCTV cameras and introduced new technology to monitor passenger activity, including facial recognition technology.

The deployment of additional security personnel, including security guards, has had a significant impact on the security of the TTC. Security guards are highly visible, and their presence has helped to deter criminal activity and create a safer environment for passengers and employees.

The TTC has also worked closely with local law enforcement agencies to investigate and prosecute violent offenders. The TTC has partnered with the Toronto Police Service to launch the Transit Patrol Unit, a specialized police unit that patrols the TTC to deter crime and respond to emergencies. The Transit Patrol Unit has been successful in apprehending offenders and reducing crime in the transit system.

Moreover, the TTC has taken steps to enhance the training of its security personnel, including security guards. Security personnel undergo regular training to improve their skills in conflict resolution, emergency response, and customer service. This training helps security personnel to handle difficult situations and respond appropriately to emergencies.

The TTC has also launched a public awareness campaign to educate passengers about the importance of reporting incidents and suspicious behaviour to security personnel. The campaign, called “See Something, Say Something,” encourages passengers to report any suspicious behaviour or criminal activity they observe on the transit system. This campaign has been successful in raising awareness about the importance of public safety and encouraging passengers to be vigilant.

The Role of Technology in TTC Security

In addition to security guards, technology has also played a crucial role in improving TTC security. The TTC has installed CCTV cameras in all subway stations, buses, and streetcars to monitor passenger activity and detect criminal activity. The CCTV cameras provide security personnel with real-time video feeds that they can use to identify and respond to security incidents.

The TTC has also introduced new technology to improve passenger safety, including the Automated Vehicle Locator (AVL) system, which allows the TTC to track the location of its buses and streetcars in real time. The AVL system enables the TTC to respond quickly to emergencies and provide passengers with accurate information about transit schedules and service disruptions.

Facial recognition technology has also been introduced on the TTC to help identify and track criminal suspects. The technology is used to match the faces of suspects captured on CCTV cameras with images in police databases, allowing security personnel to identify and apprehend suspects quickly.

The Role of Passengers in TTC Security

While security guards and technology play an essential role in TTC security, passengers also have a role to play in ensuring their safety and the safety of others on the transit system. Passengers are encouraged to be vigilant and report any suspicious behaviour or criminal activity they observe on the transit system.

Passengers are also encouraged to follow TTC safety guidelines, including staying alert and aware of their surroundings, not engaging in disruptive behaviour, and reporting any safety concerns to TTC personnel or security personnel immediately. By working together with TTC personnel and security personnel, passengers can help to create a safer and more secure transit system for everyone.


In conclusion, security guards play a crucial role in patrolling the TTC and ensuring the safety of passengers, employees, and property. In the wake of recent violent attacks on the TTC, the TTC has increased its security measures, including the deployment of additional security personnel, the installation of more CCTV cameras, and the introduction of new technology to monitor passenger activity.

While security guards and technology are essential in TTC security, passengers also have a role to play in ensuring their safety and the safety of others on the transit system. By working together with TTC personnel and security personnel, passengers can help to create a safer and more secure transit system for everyone. The TTC’s commitment to public safety and its efforts to improve its security measures demonstrate its dedication to providing a safe and reliable transit system for the people of Toronto.

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